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Funded and Managed by
City of London Corporation

School sessions - FAQs

What to expect from our workshops

On-site school workshops take place in our new learning space at The London Archives in Clerkenwell. Students have the opportunity to see and handle a wide range of archival material, learn through a first-hand experience of primary sources and develop their analytical skills.

Due to high demand, our team are unable to guarantee the availability of any sessions before a form is submitted. Once we receive your form, we will send you a booking confirmation, at which point we will consider your booking as confirmed, or we will contact you to agree alternative availability. The timetable you receive in your confirmation correspondence is subject to change. We reserve the right to make any necessary changes and where possible you will be informed of any such changes.

Please read the following information as it contains important details that you, your staff and your students should be aware of before your visit to The London Archives. The health and safety of all visitors is of paramount importance, and we have taken all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment for all visitors and staff. Nonetheless, you should be aware that:

  • The conduct of your staff and students must be appropriate at all times.
  • We can accommodate group sizes between 8-35 students at a time.
  • We have public liability insurance in place, but you must adhere to all requirements (including that of the LEA) for school visits of this type.
  • We have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place, and there is first aid cover.

Staffing and supervision of pupils

  • Your group must have the age-appropriate ratio of adults and students - following LEA guidelines.
  • You and your staff shall be responsible for your students, their conduct and safety whilst at The London Archives.
  • Your staff/any accompanying adults should remain with the students at all times throughout the visit and shall follow all instructions (including health, safety and security instructions) given to them by The London Archives team members.
  • The London Archives reserves the right to refuse access and to require you, your staff and pupils to leave the site (eg in the event of an emergency, for conduct reasons or otherwise).
  • All of our workshops are available to home educator groups - please contact us for more details.

Getting here

Please check our visit us section for details about our location and transport options.


  • On arrival, your group will be met at the Welcoming Point on the Ground floor.
  • You should bring with you all the signed photography consent forms, if we have arranged for the in-house photographer to be present.

Food and drink

  • We do not provide refreshments except drinking water
  • Should you wish to have a packed lunch after the session, you can use the learning studio

Cancellation policy

A cancellation fee of £50 is payable if a workshop booking is cancelled before 14 days of its scheduled date. If this happens, we will invoice you. Cancellations must be communicated in writing and acknowledged by The London Archives.

After your visit

Your comments and thoughts are of tremendous value to The London Archives. We would really appreciate you/your staff taking time to send us feedback on your visit.

  • We may wish to contact you in the future for research purposes and to update you on new school projects at The London Archives.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Book a schools session

If you have any queries, please contact us at If you would like to talk to someone about your booking, please contact us on 020 7332 3820.