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City of London Corporation

Clamshell box

A fantastic all-rounder

Clamshells are a fantastic all-rounder box. Traditionally used for volumes, these enclosures are perfect for large, heavy items and collections that have suffered damage in their lifetime. The clamshell has a smooth interior with no tabs or other protrusions to rub or catch on your delicate items.

Different sized Clamshell boxes stacked on top of one another
Different sized Clamshell boxes stacked on top of one another

We make our clamshells without glue, using tabs that fold inwards and protrude outside of the box, creating a flat edge for materials to sit against. The internal tabs can be moved aside allowing material to slide forwards and backwards for easy access.

The only material this enclosure needs is box board, so there is no risk of off-gassing. We can offer you a non-tabbed version on request, constructed with EVA adhesive.

How to order