Policies and plans
The London Archives Policies and Plans
Our policies inform the running of The London Archives. As a part of the City of London Corporation, our work is guided by the City of London Corporation Corporate Plan 2024-29.
The London Archives produces detailed policies on key aspects of the archive service.
There are two, main groups of policies:
- Policies about the stewardship of our archives, ie our collecting policy, and archive conservation and preservation policy
- Policies about access to the archives, ie what we do to provide an archive service and make the information in our care available to the public
All policies have a date attached and are intended to be revised by The London Archives as appropriate. Most are reviewed at least every two years to keep them up to date. We will endeavour to have the most up-to-date versions available on this page. Please note that more policies will appear on this site as they are drafted and ratified. If you cannot find a matter of policy addressed in the listed on this page, please contact us.
The London Archives has carried out an Equalities Impact Assessment of the archive service function it administers on behalf of the City of London Corporation (this document is available to view on request).

Acceptable Use of the Internet policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy.

Collections Acquisition and Management Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Collections Acquisition and Management Policy.
Digital Preservation Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Digital Preservation Policy.
Document and Image Copying Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Document and Image Copying Policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Pensions Archive Trust Collections Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Pensions Archive Trust Collections Policy.

Reclosure and takedown policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Reclosure and Takedown Policy
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
The London Archives
Read The London Archives' Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy.