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Funded and Managed by
City of London Corporation

Reclosure and takedown policy

The London Archives


The London Archives is London’s archive service responsible for 100km of the capital’s documentary heritage dating from 1067 to the present day from parchment rolls to digital files. TLA is committed to making the collections it holds freely available to users, both onsite and online.

This policy sets out why and how records held, preserved and made available by TLA may need to be closed to further public access, or taken down from view on our public websites.

It is unusual for open material to be subsequently reclosed or taken down, but TLA recognises that there are legitimate circumstances when this may be necessary.

The policy applies to records in all formats which are held by TLA for preservation as archives, as well as content published on our online and onsite resources including digital images of records and associated metadata. The policy also covers content from TLA on the websites of our commercial partners.

In making material available online, TLA acts in good faith. It endeavours to mitigate the risk of damage to third parties by checking the copyright status of material wherever feasible, and, where possible, contacting rights-holders for permission to make material available. The terms and conditions of use of all digital content are made clear to users at point of access.

The policy does not apply to records already closed to public access under Data Protection or Freedom of Information legislation or which may be subject to restrictions imposed by owners of collections and which are clearly identified in TLA’s catalogue (download TLA’s Collections Access Policy).


Please complete a comment form at The London Archives or contact us if you wish to give feedback on this policy.

This policy will be reviewed at least every two years to make sure it remains timely and relevant. It was last reviewed in July 2024.